Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Life of following your Own Inner Guidance (Part 3)

I hope that you have had a chance to answer the questions below so you can get ready to look at the last question.

First, I asked you to look at and write down:
 “What would it take for me to be perfectly happy?” 
Secondly, I asked you to write down: 
"Where is it that I am not perfectly happy in my life; in other words, what are the situations in my life, and who are the people in my life that I am not perfectly happy with?" 

Today, we are going to take a look at where you have been in the past that has been happy and rewarding.  The third question to ask is: 
“When I look at my life as a whole, when have I been happiest?  Where was I?   How old was I?  Who was with me?  And lastly, what was I doing that made me so happy?”

When you reminisce and write down what you recall, you will start to unlock the emotional keys to your happiness.  You might notice a theme.  You might notice that it is the people you were with that made you feel so good.  It might be the places you were that brought happiness to your soul.  You may have been doing something that satisfied you down to the core.

Whatever you notice, how does that fit into what you wrote for the first question?  Do you see similarities in what you desire now and what made you happy in the past?  

 Answering these questions could help you to develop wisdom, courage, and foresight to organize your life in a new and different way.  And that could lead to your becoming a much happier person.  The happiness you experienced in the past can flow into your life now if you consciously make that choice.  

Now that you have given yourself some of your own answers, what can you do right now that will point you toward your happiness?  Everything that you do that takes you closer to your happiness will be rewarding in and of itself.  It may take time, as I mentioned in part one, to fully realize the life that you visualize, but taking one persistent step at a time will bring you closer and closer, making the journey worth the effort.

What’s not to like about being more optimistic and feeling like you are in charge of your own life?

Give it a try and let me know what you notice.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

A Life of following your Own Inner Guidance (Part 2)

Were you able to let yourself answer the question in the first of this series of posts:  “What would it take for me to be perfectly happy?”  

If not, perhaps you could give it a try now.  Writing it down often makes it real in the body.  Your unconscious mind doesn’t know that if it has or hasn’t already happened.  

You might even try this before bed and dream about it…you never know what awesome things you might imagine when given the freedom of your astral space, where anything is possible!

Now, the second question is a little more difficult.  Ask yourself, "Where am I not perfectly happy in my life; in other words, what are the situations in my life, and who are the people in my life that I am not perfectly happy with?" 

Really examine every part of your day, from getting up in the morning to going to bed at night, and write down every single element that makes you feel unhappy or dissatisfied in any way. Remember, diagnosing the problem is half the cure. In order to resolve a problem, you have to become aware of it first.

Once you compare your answers, think about what you can do, starting immediately, to move toward the things you want to create in the life which will allow you to step away from the things that you no longer wish to attract into your life.  

One thing to remember is that no matter how big that elephant (your goal) is, by eating it one bite at a time, you will get closer and closer to what you hold in your vision.  It does take time.  Focus on moving in a direction that demonstrates perfect happiness for you.  You will notice that as your focus remains on your own happiness, you will see that you become more optimistic and have a feeling of more control in your life.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Life of following your Own Inner Guidance

I'm sure you've heard of Murphy's Law: Whatever can go wrong will go wrong. Well, there's a similar law that says that left to themselves, things have a tendency to go from bad to worse. 

So for example, if there is something that is making you unhappy -- for any reason -- the situation will tend to get worse rather than get better. So rather than engaging in denial, or pretending that nothing is wrong, or wishing and hoping and praying that, whatever it is, it will go away-- spend your time trying to face the situation and do something about it.

Many people become very frustrated after working very hard on a job, a relationship, losing weight, etc. It may help to separate from the frustration by getting a bird's eye view. Asking yourself a few questions can help get that point of view; the big picture.

 Ask Yourself this...

Today, I am offering the first of three questions for you to ask yourself. Write it down at the top of a sheet of paper, and then write as many answers to it as you possibly can.

1. The question is: "What would it take for me to be perfectly happy?"
  • Be clear about what it would take for you to have your ideal life.  
  • Write down every single thing that you can imagine that you would have if you were perfectly happy at this very moment. 
  • Write down things such as: 
    • health 
    • prosperity
    • loving relationships
    • inner peace
    • travel
    • car
    • clothes
    • homes
    • and so on. 
  • Let your creative mind run freely
  • Imagine that you have NO limitations at all
  • Write down everything, whether or not you think you have a snowball's chance in hell of actually getting it or not
By asking yourself this question, you will begin to delve deeper into yourself and your feelings. You may even begin to accept your own happiness is a legitimate standard for evaluating everyone and everything in your life.

 Use your happiness as your measure of what is right for you. It can help you begin to see a situation entirely differently.  You might find that in terms of your own happiness, the right answer might be to do something else, or to do what you're doing in a different place, or to do it with different people -- or all three.

Next week I will go to the second question.  Till then, see what you notice for this first exercise.  Let me know.