Thursday, September 26, 2013
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Re-claiming Your Power from Talking Trash
Sunday, March 13, 2011
A Life of following your Own Inner Guidance (Part 3)
Saturday, March 5, 2011
A Life of following your Own Inner Guidance (Part 2)
Saturday, February 26, 2011
A Life of following your Own Inner Guidance
So for example, if there is something that is making you unhappy -- for any reason -- the situation will tend to get worse rather than get better. So rather than engaging in denial, or pretending that nothing is wrong, or wishing and hoping and praying that, whatever it is, it will go away-- spend your time trying to face the situation and do something about it.
Many people become very frustrated after working very hard on a job, a relationship, losing weight, etc. It may help to separate from the frustration by getting a bird's eye view. Asking yourself a few questions can help get that point of view; the big picture.
1. The question is: "What would it take for me to be perfectly happy?"
- Be clear about what it would take for you to have your ideal life.
- Write down every single thing that you can imagine that you would have if you were perfectly happy at this very moment.
- Write down things such as:
- health
- prosperity
- loving relationships
- inner peace
- travel
- car
- clothes
- homes
- and so on.
- Let your creative mind run freely
- Imagine that you have NO limitations at all
- Write down everything, whether or not you think you have a snowball's chance in hell of actually getting it or not
Monday, April 26, 2010
The Power of Clearing your Sexuality
I have been learning a lot of different ways to approach meditation, growth, and learning. Today I would like to discuss something that has been fun for me lately. I was introduced to Bob Proctor’s Six Minutes about 4 weeks ago and have found that it is not only fun, but has created a venue for me to find some of the programming around abundance and clear it.
Yesterday, I decided to take a look at the months’ worth of exercises I had done and noticed that there were a few exercises in the workbook that we haven’t actually covered yet. I decided to see what my first take on these exercises was and found that I was very provoked around the energy of sex. Yes, sex! I was blown away about the programming that I had regarding how I felt about it.
Now, for three sessions I taught a six month woman’s class, which dealt with some of this and thought that I had cleared the charge away from this topic, but here it was blaring in my face. It started me thinking about other women. Some questions came to mind.
· What is the first memory that you remember?
· When was the first time you recall really being turned on by someone?
· What happened after that?
· How did it progress?
· What did your peers think?
· What were the judgments of your father, mother and grandparents?
· Did you feel good or bad or were you judged to be so?
· Did you feel guilty?
· What is it that created your foundation for your memories?
· What is the Truth about your sexuality for you?
There are always a bunch of people in that space along with the pictures, that once de-energized can create a huge release depending on where you hold that energy in your body. It could be in the form of pain, like mine was in my left hip. You may not even know that this is what is causing the pain, like I didn’t, because I just wasn’t supposed to look at it. You might be very surprised to see just whose judgment comes up. I know I was. The relief I got was instantaneous, luxurious and absolutely freeing.
That kind of energy can make or break relationships and neutralizing it can be the beginning of a whole new world of wonderful relationships and renewal of those already begun.
I may teach a workshop on this down the road if anyone is interested.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
The Power of Grounding yourself in your Life
Chances are that on those days you are grounded. Your life force is right around you and your have your intention set.
Then there are the other days that don't go so smoothly and you might find yourself scattered, flustered and irritated. I am willing to bet that on those days you are ungrounded and don't have much of your life force around you.
There is a simple solution that really only takes a few minutes, and after all, isn't it worth a few minutes to set yourself up for one of those awesome days?
- Sit comfortably in a chair with your feet flat on the floor.
- Close your eyes and take a deep breath.
- Notice your physical body and exactly where it is and just say "Hello" to yourself.
- Allow yourself to relax and breathe into any place that you find stress or tension.
- Send a Hello to the earth, after all, it does keep your body here on its surface.
- Imagine that your body is attached to the Center of the Earth by a big fat line of energy. This line can be made of of anything: a tree, a waterfall, a gigantic barbershop pole, anything fun that you can imagine.
- Allow that line of energy to have a downward flow.
- Let yourself release anything down that line of energy that doesn't serve you right now, such as other people's problems or anything that doesn't relate to what you have to do in the next few hours.
- Imagine that you are surrounded by a big bubble and expand that fat line of energy to include the bubble surrounding your body so that you can give yourself more room.
- Again, allow yourself to release anything that you don't need to think about right now.
- (Don't forget to breathe.)
- Next, imagine that you have a big golden sun above your head. It contains your unique energy and you can just allow that gold sun's energy to fill in your body and your bubble so that your life force is surrounding you.
- Set your intention for the day ahead and when you feel that you are ready, open your eyes and begin your day.
- Have fun!