Monday, November 2, 2009
Your Power and Resistance
I was meditating on my own resistance in general and pondered my power of observation at my resistance. I find it is sometimes hard to observe. As I meditate though, I can see it loud and clear. Resistance causes discomfort and many times anger and resentment. That is because things aren’t going the way I would like. As soon as I don’t care about controlling the source of my discomfort, I don’t feel it anymore.
Hmmm, I thought. If I try to control a situation and it becomes uncomfortable, I am noticing that I am in resistance. As soon as I let go of the need to control the outcome, things change. There might be something to this.
I would like you to notice for yourself. When you are uncomfortable, meaning that you are experiencing some kind of anger, depression, victim-hood or what you might consider a negative emotion, watch yourself if possible from the casual observer point of view and see if you can let go of the need to control the outcome. Notice if that changes the entire event happening before your eyes.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
The Power of opening your heart
Not long ago, during a meditation, I finally figured out what had been in the way of having good posture all these years. My shoulders have been pushed and shoved into “proper” posture many times, but it has always felt wrong.
During the meditation, I realized that my heart chakra and solar plexus had been pushed back and were closed. I had shut myself off from who knows what? (I have numerous ideas.)
The idea was not new to me, as a friend of mine had mentioned to me the struggle of keeping the heart chakra open when faced with an argument or a difficult situation. She discovered that consciously keeping it open allowed a healing to occur.
I had pondered this for over a year. It was while I was consciously breathing the three part breath (belly, lower chest, upper chest) that I discovered that shifting my heart forward from the spine and opening my chest, made a huge difference in my posture. It not only opened up my chest, but also opened my heart chakra in a way that shifted my perception of everything miraculously!
I have since noticed what my friend pointed out a year or so ago. It isn’t easy to keep the heart open to all the stimulus the day brings with it. There are so many times that it wants to close down and not feel the discomfort/ pain/fear. That is where consciousness comes in.
Try this when you notice yourself closing down or ego trying to take over:
· Take a breath in and think “Accept.”
· As you exhale, think the work “Release.”
· “Accept”, “Release”.
· As you breath, notice if your heart is open.
· If not, you can consciously open it as you breathe deeply. And if it is open, congratulations! Keep up the good work!
Monday, May 11, 2009
The Power of your Brain
I found the book extremely interesting in light of the premise that if your brain chemistry is happy, your body stays healthy, something I could have used before I got ill. He also wrote, "Younger You", which expands on how you can achieve better health for your brain and for yourself through diet and supplementation. Now that is brain power!
Then I learned how to PhotoRead in 2007, which is a remarkable way to use your whole mind to develop extraordinary communication with your brain, not to mention assimilate tons of written information faster. If I'm not mistaken, I believe that one bonus here, is the sheer volume of all the neural pathways created which could be a way to avoid getting Alzheimer's Disease. ...
Monday, April 27, 2009
The Power of your Mind
Everything we experience in our lives is run through the perceptions of our mind. In other words, the mind is the filter through which we edit all of the information that we perceive.
From our earliest days in the body, we see images and hear the tone of what is being said and we interpret it. In the beginning, we may not have the capacity to properly reference these images or tonalities. We are not able to put them into context, but we definitely process them and make decisions about ourselves and others based on the emotions that are generated by these early learning experiences.
The result is the creation of the filter that could be very limiting in your life. You have all heard of such statements like, ‘If you believe something will or will not happen, you will be right’ or ‘What your resist persists’. There are many, many more. You have also undoubtedly heard that you create your reality.
We live in a time where things move so fast and there is always so much to do that there is not always time to reflect. Do we become the effect of our life or the director? I have been hearing and reading so much about simplifying your life and breaking through limiting beliefs. There is power to be had in your life, and there are so many different ways to begin the process.
I have been introduced to many wonderful people who have given me little nuggets of wisdom, sometimes even without knowing it. It really begins with the honest desire to face and uncover the filters that have created the limitations, blocks and feelings that ‘There must be something more.’
There is, and it’s not out there in the fast paced world that surrounds us. It is deep inside. It is the uncharted territory that resides within....
Monday, April 20, 2009
Power Yourself Up. Introduce Spirit to Body
I have been getting emails all winter with low fat diets, recipes, great workouts and how to live a healthy life. There is so much information out there that you could literally spend every day doing nothing else but reading it all (and not getting any kind of physical workout). I subscribe to several newsletters and have tried many of the offers that are out there.
As far as getting into the body, there is no better way than to get moving; exercise and play. You could start off easy and take yourself for a walk, and here in Chicago, that could mean taking a walk along the lake, especially later this week, when we are supposed to have great weather. I learned to Power Walk in an exercise class this winter. Lake Michigan could provide an excellent backdrop for this kind of fun.
Al Sears MD has a different strategy in his workout that I am going to try. He believes that long workouts are not healthy for your heart, lungs, muscles or immune system and has a book out that you might want to check out, PACE. Dr. Sears calls for short bursts of intensity and power (exertion) followed by intervals of rest (recovery), which undoubtedly would appeal to many of us, not to mention that the workouts aren't very long, so they can fit into almost anyone's day. Hence that name, Pace, which is the key.
I will be letting you know how I like this type of workout in the next couple of weeks.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Healing Yourself to claim your Power for the rest of your Life
There are myriads of methods for healing yourself in our society. You can go the route of strictly healing the physical body or you can go with the premise that "If you can heal the spirit, the spirit can heal the body." The truth is probably somewhere in the middle.
It makes me think of the chicken or the egg argument. Which comes first? I have known many clients and friends who have been able to heal the spirit so that it can allow the healing of the body to take place. I have also seen the reverse,...
Monday, March 2, 2009
Life, Power and Yourself
I will be investigating different ways to meet the challenges we each face every day so that you can build a set of tools to assist you on finding grace and ease in your life. I will be discussing some of the tools I have taught; tools that can assist you to break down the barriers that hold you back from having the life you desire.
In reading the content of this blog, you may find that some things work for you and others don't. Take what works and add it to your tool belt.